Best softwares for lawyers 2024। 10 Powerful apps

Until recently, it was common in any law firm or office to find boxes stacked with files and shelves full of folders containing invoices, timesheets, legal books, etc. The adoption of technology brought about a revolution in office organization and management, from the first generic accounting and documentation programs to specific solutions like software for lawyers.

In this article, we will present a compilation of several legal systems currently on the market: we will discuss the different types, features, and prices, and provide an objective analysis of each option. Our goal as consultants is not to tell you which is the best document management software for lawyers, but to give you a comprehensive overview so you can decide which solution best fits your firm’s requirements. Let’s begin.

Before choosing software for lawyers

  • The main thing is to be clear about the type of software for law firms we are looking for:
  • Do you need a tool to organize your appointments and client data? Your solution is a CRM.
  • Do you want a system to digitize all the documentation you work with? Go for a DMS.
  • Would you like to have more control over payments and collections? Simple, an accounting or invoicing program.
  • Are you looking for an integrated application that manages all areas of the firm? Then the right choice is lawyer software.

The next step is to analyze resources and needs based on the following criteria:

  • Budget: This will determine whether we opt for a cloud option or an on-premises installation, whether mobility for our lawyers is essential or if the work can be done from the office.
  • Number of users in the firm who need access to the legal software.
  • System compatibility: It should allow us to easily export data from the programs we already use.


Types of lawyer software you will see in our list:

Depending on the type of installation, we will find two different options: cloud-based or on-premises.

  1. Cloud-Based Lawyer Software

This solution is ideal for professionals who don’t want to give up working on the go. It allows access to and processing of data from any device with an Internet connection. The provider owns the servers where the information is stored and is also responsible for maintenance and providing necessary updates. For these services, a monthly fee is charged, which depends on the number of users and modules contracted.

  1. On-Premises Legal Software

Or in other words, the classic program installed on the lawyer’s computer. This type of installation is being increasingly replaced by cloud solutions. Its main advantage is that the acquisition is made through a one-time payment, with no monthly fees, although the initial investment is high. On the other hand, there are several drawbacks: work can only be done from the office computer, there is a risk of using outdated versions, and so on.

We evaluated the lawyer software

A lawyer software is composed of various modules that manage the activities carried out in the law firm. When selecting each legal system you will see in our ranking, we analyzed the following features:

  • CRM: This is the database containing the law firm’s client information. It also allows us to schedule meetings and keep the calendar organized.
  • Financial Area: Essential for controlling the firm’s billing and accounting. It’s also a necessary module for automating timesheets.
  • Case Management: One of the core components of the software. It facilitates the organization of the cases handled by each lawyer, access to actions taken, and linking with the courts and client data stored in the CRM.
  • Integrations with Other Systems: We value not only the ability to connect external email accounts or calendars but also the connection with tools like Lexnet, vLex, etc.
  • Advanced Features: In this case, we aimed to highlight any feature that could add value to the professional’s work.

Society is fully immersed in the digital age. Changes in the requirements of clients accustomed to digitalized processes demand the modernization of law firms. Management software for lawyers plays a fundamental role in this “update.” Next, we present the best legal software for professional law firms.


1.MN Program: A Legal Software with All the Features Lawyers Need

The history of the MN Program began in A Coruña in 1999 with specialized software for court clerks. Due to its success and recognition, different versions were created within the field of management, one of them for lawyers. This evolution also occurred at a technical level, making the transition to the cloud while maintaining traditional installations. Since then, more than 25,000 companies can attest to the quality of their programs.

This legal software allows for quick and easy management of information and tasks, covering all areas of the law firm. Its rates mainly depend on the number of users, although they are structured into three different plans. The basic plan includes a database that acts as a CRM, but to access commercial functionalities, a higher plan must be contracted. It includes billing, accounting, and treasury modules (with specific fields for firms working with insurance companies). MN imports a zip file with notifications from Vereda, Avantius, or JusticiaSip and associates them with the cases.

Advanced Features: Digital signature, time tracking, client portal, online appointment bookings, etc.

2. One of the Most Used Management Programs for Law Firms

Another company based in Spain that provides international services is Sudespacho. They offer a native web solution with applications for both Android and iOS. Their pricing plans are divided into three tiers, mainly varying in the number of clients that can be managed and storage space. They also offer a free plan with very limited features, primarily useful for trying out the program. Prices range from €29.95 to €79.95 per month.

The main highlight of this legal software is its high level of customization. For example, users can create custom fields in the CRM with data they deem appropriate. It is a comprehensive case management suite that handles documents, emails, reports, etc. Regarding the financial section, it includes complete billing (with time management) and official books. Lastly, it integrates with Lexnet, associating notifications with the respective cases.


3. BaseNet: Simple and Effective Online Software for Lawyers

BaseNet Internet Projects BV is a Dutch company operating from its offices in Malaga for the Spanish market. Their legal software for law firms is a modular cloud-based system with corresponding mobile applications. What do we mean by modular? Most functionalities are included in an initial package that can be complemented with optional modules: accounting module (€50) or client portal (€20). The price is divided into an initialization fee (start-up) of €200, paid as a one-time payment, and a monthly fee of €39.95 per user.

One important aspect we’ve already discussed is the importance of importing data from other systems. In BaseNet, they handle the importation of cases, email accounts, and contacts. The added value of their CRM is the option to include tags for advanced segmentations and filters. Another notable feature is the time tracking system for each case and its corresponding cost per hour. In summary: a simple software for lawyers with a very intuitive interface, although there is a lack of integration possibilities


4.Quolaw: Legal Management Software with a Virtual Assistant

From the creators of vLex comes Quolaw, a software for law firms that brings interesting innovations. In addition to being integrated with one of the largest legal libraries, it incorporates an intelligent virtual assistant named Eunomia, which guides us through all stages of the procedures: documentation to add, procedural deadlines, and actions to take. Its pricing has a very simple structure: one license for €66/month, two for €87/month, and three for €95/month.

Regarding the features of Quolaw’s legal software for lawyers, let’s start with its CRM: a very visual tool that not only stores client data but also facilitates consultation from the same document, invoice, and action records. Regarding the case management module, the main novelty is the access permissions that can be granted to other colleagues in the firm. We will also have typical billing functions, although for accounting purposes, we will need another specialized solution.


5. Ofionline: Legal Software with Agreements with Different Bar Associations

Gestión Ofionline SL is a provider that has specialized in the sector with three products aimed at lawyers, procurators, and social graduates. It follows a very simple pricing scheme: a base rate for one user with 2GB of storage for €15. If we want to add more users or capacity, we can do so for €1.5/month. Additionally, it has agreements with different bar associations to apply a substantial discount.

The law firm management program Ofionline includes all the necessary tools to carry out daily activities. Its office package is top-notch and compatible with Microsoft Office. One of its strengths is teamwork: tasks are assigned, supervisions are requested, permissions are defined, or messages are sent from the legal software. It has an exclusive module for Duty Shift, which will be useful for controlling shifts and attending cases. Ofionline integrates with the Lexnet platform

6. Kleos: Wolters Kluwer’s Legal Software for Lawyers

Simple, easy to use, yet extremely comprehensive, that’s Kleos, Wolters Kluwer’s contribution to managing legal files in the cloud. It offers three different plans (Essential, Pro, and Business) starting from €30 per user/month, mainly differing in the inclusion of a billing module in the more complete proposals.

Among the benefits offered by Kleos law firm software, we particularly highlight its task management system, which allows us to define activities, deadlines, and phases. It has a cloud portal called Kleos Connect for sharing information or documentation with clients or colleagues. Regarding integrations, we have automatic synchronization with Outlook, the office package, and, of course, connection with Lexnet.

7. Aranzadi One: Software for Small Law Firms and Independent Professionals

Aranzadi offers a version of its legal software called “Fusion,” focused on large law firms, and “One,” for freelancers or small firms. It is a combination of legal knowledge with management software available for €110/month/user. Although this may initially seem like a high amount, it must be said in its favor that it is a very comprehensive solution.

Regarding the features of the Aranzadi One legal program, the main one, as indicated, is comprehensive management. The suite offers everything necessary for legal, documentary, financial, and client management. It provides access to a library with all regulations and notifications of any changes that may affect cases. It integrates with Outlook, incorporating emails into client files, with Lexnet, and Google Calendar. It is also compatible with justice platforms in territories such as Navarra, Catalonia, and Aragon

8. Iuritex Abogado: For Those Preferring Locally Installed Law Firm Software

This law firm software is installed on office computers. However, it features an online module for case consultation accessible to clients and collaborators who have been assigned a username and password. EMC, the provider of Iuritex, offers other value-added services such as corporate website creation, database migration, and backups.

The structure of Iuritex legal software is based on four pillars: administrative management, based on a CRM to record interactions and schedule appointments; documentary, including a text editor and document storage; procedural, a module for conducting legal proceedings; and economic, centralizing all financial operations of the firm. Additionally, there is a section to record notifications received via Lexnet

9. Gedex: Basic Case Management Software for Lawyers

Twenty years of continuous improvements have transformed Gedex into another classic provider dedicated to managing legal firms. This locally installed law firm software’s main cost is the acquisition of the license required to operate it. Optionally, a maintenance service can be contracted. The price of the first license for a computer depends on the chosen version, ranging from €144 for its Starter edition to €345 for the premium option. Due to its limitations, it is an alternative recommended only for independent professionals with limited resources.

Gedex operates on a CRM and case management module. The financial part is very basic, allowing for tracking of fee schedules and invoice printing (in higher versions). There are no advanced features or integrations. Gedex’s main advantage lies in its database with various fields (judges, judicial districts, secretaries, etc.), facilitating searches with various filters applied

10. Abogafin: Versatile Legal Software for All Types of Law Firms

Abogafin, legal software, is another interesting proposal for law firms that prefer an installable program on their computer. Netfincas, the provider, offers three alternatives with fixed prices: single-user for €190, multi-user for €255 (regardless of the number of computers), and, finally, a self-hosted cloud solution called 365 Cloud for €24 per month.

It includes case management, task management, process management, and client management tools available in any legal software. It has a powerful search engine that allows immediate access to all linked information and documents. The financial part related to billing and accounting is quite comprehensive. Although we miss some integration with external platforms, it presents some interesting features such as compatibility with Microsoft Office or the ability to send emails with attached documents from the same system

Other Alternatives to Legal Software That Can Be Useful in Any Law Firm

The range of options available to digitize a law firm goes beyond specialized solutions for lawyers. On one hand, there are generic alternatives that may encompass all the features we seek and offer lower prices. Additionally, there are specific applications to address tasks carried out in the firm without the need to acquire a complete tool. Let’s explore some of them:

  1. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: A generic ERP includes all the necessary modules to meet the demands of any law firm. The lawyer will have a CRM to manage client data, a documentation module, financial tools, etc. The only thing we may miss are integrations with legal platforms. If interested, you can read our article on the top 10 ERPs for SMEs.
  2. Team Collaboration Tools: Project management software is the ideal solution to create and define task phases, set deadlines, and assign activities to the lawyers involved in a case.
  3. Document Management System (DMS): Essential for organizing all the documentation managed by the firm. The DMS handles the complete document cycle, starting with digitization, followed by editing by multiple users, and ending with archiving using an intelligent labeling system

Are you still not convinced of what a software for lawyers can bring to your firm? Let’s list some of the advantages your law firm will gain by incorporating legal software:

  1. Global view of the firm’s performance. You can easily analyze the financial status, completed and pending matters.
  2. Customization of the client experience. Quickly locate data and cases for any client to enhance service.
  3. Time and money savings. With legal software, you’ll automate many routine tasks, reducing the time you need to invest.
  4. The law firm from anywhere. Online solutions allow you to work remotely without being in the office. Streamline work from home or in court.
  5. Collaboration is the key to success. Work as a team by granting access permissions to any colleague with whom you need to collaborate on a joint project.
  6. Paperless office policy. No more wasting time locating files in misplaced or poorly organized folders.


Comparison of the Top 10 Law Practice Management Software

We conclude with a comparative table of the 10 legal software tools we’ve discussed in this article. At a glance, you can check the type of installation, key features, connectivity with external platforms, and prices.

Legal Software Programs Installation Type Key Features Legal Platforms Pricing
MN Program Online and Local Complete financial module Vereda, Avantius, etc. According to users
SuDespacho Online High level of customization Lexnet €29.95-€79.95 per month
Basenet Online Simple and intuitive interface Lexnet Starting from €39.95/month
Quolaw Online Intelligent virtual assistant vLex Starting from €66/month
Ofionline Online Discounts in bar associations Lexnet Starting from €15/month
Kleos Online Task management module Lexnet Starting from €30/month
Aranzadi One Online Legal library Lexnet, territorial platforms €110/month
Iuritex Abogado Local and Online Additional services Lexnet Consultation required
Gedex Local Database Purchase from €144
Abogafin Local and Hosted Complete financial module Cloud €24/month


This table provides a quick overview of the installation type, key features, connectivity with legal platforms, and pricing for each legal software program discussed in this article.

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